Be Transformed
Be Transformed
Book Binding:
"Power to become...!"
Yes, they became transformed men, those original disciples. In the opening chapters of John's Gospel, you see a group of men who were struggling with their faith and occasionally stumbling. But after Christ's death and resurrection, things changed--because they became transformed by His power and His Word.
In completing his study of John's Gospel (see Be Alive for John 1-12). Dr. Warren Wiersbe explains how you can become a transformed person. He answers such important questions as:
• How does the Holy Spirit work in my life?
• What are the secrets of answered prayer?
• Why is Christian fellowship so important?
• How can I overcome the pressures of the world?
"But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become..." (John 1:12). This is your invitation to personal transformation and triumph!