Dolphin Conferences, Elephant Midwives, And Other Astonishing
Dolphin Conferences, Elephant Midwives, And Other Astonishing
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It has often been observed that throughout the oceans of the world before dolphins initiate any group action they have a conference. A group of dolphins, called a pod, will float together just below the surface of the water, facing one another. They politely take turns vocalizing until a consensus is reached.
The incubation temperature of alligator eggs determines the sex ration of the offspring. Low nest temperatures produce only females, and high nest temperatures produce only males.
At least one mammal, the kangaroo rat, is able to survive without drinking water. It produces water inside its body during the chemical digestion of its food.
The bloodhound's sense of smell is so acute and consistently accurate that it is the only animal whose testimony can be used as evidence in American courts. The bloodhound's sense of smell is a million times more sensitive than that of an average human.
By some estimates there are over 10 followed by thirty three zeros animals on earth at present, representing more than 1.5 million separate species, each one a cof fascination. Inside you'll find out more.