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Family Men: Midnight Sons Volume 2

Family Men: Midnight Sons Volume 2


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Description for FAMILY MEN: MIDNIGHT SONS VOLUME 2 by Debbie Macomber:


Hard Luck, Alaska -- a town that needs women

Location: 50 miles north of the Arctic Circle. Population: 150--mostly men--but growing! Because the O'Halloran brothers, who run a bush-plane service called Midnight Sons, are heading a campaign to bring women to Hard Luck.

Mitch Harris--A good friend of the O'Hallorans, he represents law and order in Hard Luck. He's also the widowed father of seven-year-old Chrissie--but he never talks about his marriage to Chrissie's mother.

Bethany Ross--Chrissie's teacher, who's new to Alaska. She's attracted to Mitch--really attracted--but she's come here for an important reason of her own....

As Christmas comes to Hard Luck, Mitch's daughter redoubles her efforts to find a new wife for her dad--and a new mother for her. And she's got Bethany in mind for both roles!

Description for BECAUSE OF THE BABY:

Hard Luck, Alaska -- a town that needs women!

Location: 50 miles north of the Arctic Circle. Population: 150--mostly men--but growing! Because the O'Halloran brothers, who run a bush-plane service called Midnight Sons, are heading a campaign to bring women to Hard Luck!

Matt Caldwell: Charles O'Halloran's brother-in-law. An easygoing charmer who's recently moved to Hard Luck, where he's begun to renovate the O'Hallorans' old lodge. He's also begun a strategy to win back his ex-wife...starting with a Valentine card.

Karen Caldwell: She's still in love with her ex-husband. Her reaction to him at his sister's wedding--and afterward--certainly proved THAT. It also left her pregnant.

Now Matt wants her to marry him again, to live with him in the lodge at Hard Luck. And not JUST because of the baby!

These 2 stories are 3 & 4 in Midnight Sons Series.

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