Finding Purpose In Your Pain
Finding Purpose In Your Pain
Book Binding:
Whatever pain you are experiencing, you can use it as a blessing to help others.
No one is immune to heartache. The death of a loved one, a crippling accident, a divorce, a financial or career setback, loneliness, illness---any number of situations can leave us feeling weak and hopeless.
When a car accident took the life of his son, Gil Beers was devastated. But instead of allowing his hurts to poison his attitudes and faith, he chose to share his story to offer comfort and counsel to others. Writes Beers, "I have come to believe that our wounds are for the healing of those about us, and we cannot apply their therapeutic qualities until we are willing to reveal them."
In this hones and sensitive book, Beers encourages you to become a healer of others through the wounds you yourself bear. FINDING PURPOSE IN YOUR PAIN will help you reach out to others in love and, in the process, find new reasons to pursue life.