Harmony's Angel
Harmony's Angel
Book Binding:
Thirteen-year-old Harmony is abandoned by her mother, who promptly dies in a car wreck. The child never knew her father. After three years of living hell on Chicago's west side with an abusive uncle and his sadistic family, the now tough, plain-spoken 16-year-old has decided it's time to get out---before it's too late.
This is the story of a runaway girl who doesn't end up a prostitute on drugs walking the streets of New York or L.A. She ends up in love. With a boy. Together they flee Chicago in a boxcar on a westbound train with a black kid. A fugitive of the law. Now they're all on the run, to and encounter with...
HARMONY'S ANGEL has it all. Romance. Adventure. And the physical and spiritual struggle between good and evil that every man, woman, and child of conscience is engaged in.