Night Angel
Night Angel
Author: Kate Green
Book Binding: Night Angel
Condition: Used/Good
Pages: 281
Description for NIGHT ANGEL by Kate Green:
Maggie felt chilled as she unwrapped the package. It was from Lora, and Lora was dead. Even more chilling was the shadow box inside. It was painted purple and decorated with strange mystical symbols. In each of its small square niches was a photo of a friend who had lived in the Berkeley house that summer of 1970. Four of those people were now dead, one was missing , and the remaining five were coming together after all these bury Lora.
The eerie "gift" added to Maggie's suspicions that Lora's death was no accident. And once she was back on the West Coast joined with those old friends she'd loved so fiercely, she'd face a deadly truth about that final summer...the dabbling in witchcraft...the drugs...and the reason the past was coming back---not to haunt them, but to kill.