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One Heartbeat Away

One Heartbeat Away


Book Binding:



Regular price $4.49 USD
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You were born. You learned to walk and talk. You went to kindergarten and then elementary school. You learned to play sports. You went to junior high and high school. You were overly concerned about your grade point average. You got your driver's license. You went to college. You went to some concerts. You got a job. You got married. You had some kids. You cheered your favorite sports teams. You retired.

You died.

Now what?

What happens after we take that last breath? Is there something out there after we die?

Your life is a journey that will end --- sometime and somewhere. Is that all there is? This life and nothing more? What are we even here for?

In this book you will find the answers to all these questions, presented in a logical, interesting and straightforward manner.

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