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Small Blessings

Small Blessings


Book Binding:



Regular price $2.49 USD
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Description for SMALL BLESSINGS by Celestine Sibley:

SMALL BLESSINGS is a book that celebrates the everyday "thankfuls" that life offers, developing the theme that it takes practice to appreciate them and be grateful for them. It's like a "feeling of thanksgiving," she says, "which sweeps over you at odd, unexpected moments all through the year," a feeling she describes in the warm, humorous and joyous way that is uniquely her own. She calls it an awareness of the nowness of happiness which is not often easy to come by. Each chapter is devoted to a particular "blessing"-Books, Neighbors (Neighbors are the greatest convenience since indoor plumbing), Apple Trees, Windowsills, Bicycles (when out riding I am caught up in self amazement like the old woman in the fable, crying, "La, me, can this be I?"), Church, and many other topics that caught the author's fancy, even Weeds (I have more weeds than anything else). The result is a book of happy, cheerful reading, with a lovely drawing decorating each chapter-a book that makes what appear to be small, insignificant aspects of everyday life suddenly seem very wonderful and precious.

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