The Fruit Of Your Thoughts
The Fruit Of Your Thoughts
Book Binding:
Author John Roberts, presents a gem-filled compilation of the practical wisdom and spiritual insights of the enigmatic, reclusive sage, Peter Rosen.
Peter Rosen, while being the author of THE LUMINOUS LIFE, communicates primarily through vocal discourse and spiritual transmission.
"Mr. Rosen's dynamic presentational style offers a richness of detail and a range of subjects that transcends geographic and temporal boundaries. Whether he is quoting ancient Eastern mystics, modern Western physicists, or tossing in a relevant joke, this stimulating raconteur holds his audiences spellbound with his finely tuned linguistic ballet. While written words cannot hope to reproduce the compelling effect Mr. Rosen has upon his guests in person, the excerpted gems contained in this lovely anthology do most powerfully convey a sense of impact one feels when first exposed to his marvelous blend of rational practicality and exotic esotericism, and hint at the wonder experienced upon seeing the puzzle of East and West so skillfully assembled into an inspirational overview of life!" Hal Wilson