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The Funeral Club

The Funeral Club


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Description for THE FUNERAL CLUB by R D Stafford:

Heddy, Martha Rae, Betty, Louise and June go about the funeral business like not others! Their small town funeral home has been a corner stone of the community for over 100 years. They approach the business with loving care for each client, but often enjoy the surprises of life and their work with joy and occasionally, raucous laughter. Now, however, Hunt and Larking Funeral Home, like themselves, is growing weary. The prep room door won't open, the wallpaper is fading, and the long line of maple trees out front seem to be losing their leaves for the last time. These ladies hold the heart strings to all in the community and now face their final triumph as a corporate funeral home chain seeks to buy out the little group of women known as The Funeral Club.

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