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The Sacrilege

The Sacrilege

Author: John Maddox Roberts

Book Binding: Mass Market Paperback

Condition: Used/Good

Pages: 216

Regular price $2.00 USD
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Description for THE SACRILEGE by John Maddox Roberts:


So decrees Caius Julius Caesar himself Rome's pontifex maximus, guardian of religious procedure. But scandal rocks the Imperial City when a sacred women's rite presided over by Caesar's spouse, Pompeia, is infiltrated by a corrupt patrician dressed in female garb. Decius Caecilius Metellus the Younger, fledgling senator and experienced detector of crime, senses a connection between the sacrilege and four bizarre murders that follow And with the aid of a notorious criminal, he will trail the bloody perpetrators from the lowest depths of the crime-ridden Subura district to the highest echelons of the Roman elite--creating powerful enemies along the way who are determined to terminate both the investigation... and the investigator.

This is #3 in An SPQR Mystery.

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