The Ultimate WWII Quiz Book
The Ultimate WWII Quiz Book
Book Binding:
In much the same way B.C. and A.D. have been used as standard measures of time, the classification of events as pre- or post-World War II are bona fide indicators of our progress through history. What occurred between 1939 and 1945 on unknown Pacific islands and in bombed-out cities, in the cockpits of airplanes and onboard U-boats and submarines, forever changed the course of human events and has been the source of literally reams of material over the ensuing 50-odd years. This book attempts to collect more than 2,000 facts, anecdotes, vignettes, and statistics concerning World War II (some famously familiar, some more arcane), dividing them into sections entitled Code Names, The War on Land, The Air War, Naval Operations and Sea Battles, and Messages and Quotations, and presenting them in Q&A form. Learn which American plane was called the Flying Prostitute and why; what name the Germans used to identify the Battle of the Bulge; which U.S. general literally lost his pants in a chase with the Vichy police; what famous American college fight song was pirated by the Nazis for the "Sieg Heil" march; and more. Discover who were Lord Haw Haw, Kilroy, Miss Spark Plug, and Razor Brain; and what were the Nero Decree, Radio Werewolf, the Sitzkrieg, the Caterpillar Club, and Amerika. Informative appendixes provide lists on the fastest fighter planes, the largest battleships, the leading U-boat and submarine commanders, the leading fighter pilots, historic war memorials, and medal of honor recipients. B&W photos.