The Wonder Of Miracles: Bible Stories That Live
The Wonder Of Miracles: Bible Stories That Live
Book Binding:
With great narrative skill, Margaret Graham retells the miracle stories from the vantage point of characters who witnessed these events. She leads us from the parting of the Red Sea to the times when Jesus turned water into wine, cast out demons, walked on the water, fed the multitudes, healed the lame and sick, and performed miracles after his resurrection.
With the instincts of the consummate storyteller, Graham understands that there is nothing like a good story to vivify an event and to teach truth---Jesus himself was a master storyteller. Graham's modern renditions of those stories are faithful to the geographic, historical, and cultural milieu of the times. Each of these stories is motivated by what Graham calls "sanctified imagination," which stays withing the bounds of legitimate exegesis and historical accuracy while also conveying the truths of the story's biblical message. Graham is careful to go no father than a reasonable interpretation of biblical events allows. At the same time she heightens the sensory drama of the original situation, bringing its reality into focus by "living in the shoes" of the biblical characters.
From the journey with Jonah into the belly of the fish, to Gethsemane to witness the healing of a severed ear, Graham conveys both a sense of wonder and an understanding of the role of miracles in God's larger plans. Like the biblical accounts on which they are based, her stories leave an indelible impression on the mind and heart.