There's A New Day Coming!
There's A New Day Coming!
Book Binding:
THERE'S A NEW DAY COMING...the day of Christ's return. Believers are looking forward to it with bright hope and deep longing. What will that day be like? Do we know when it will arrive? And what will be the order of the endtime events prophesied in the Bible? This book has been written to answer these questions. Among its chapters you will find detailed discussions of the major coming events, including:
The Rapture of the Church
The Revealing of Antichrist
The Great Tribulation
The Glorious Return of Christ
The millennial Kingdom
The Final Judgment
This systematic study can be a handbook to help you understand biblical prophecy. You will rank it along with your most valuable Bible-study materials, and you will refer to it often as you anticipate that glorious new day.