Who's On First?
Who's On First?
Book Binding:
THE TIME: 1956 (prime time in the cold war).
THE PLACES: Paris; Budapest; Washington, D.C.; Stockholm; Moscow.
THE MAN: The young, irresistible CIA operative Blackford Oakes.
THE ASSIGNMENT: Win the satellite race. Kidnap a man and a woman who can help the United States be first.
Enter master agent "Rufus"; CIA Director Allen Dulles; former Secretary of State Dean Acheson; and a beautiful Hungarian freedom fighter. Blacky risks his neck---literally---to carry out the mission. His life is complicated by Dwight D Eisenhower; the U.S. Navy; a KGB area chief; and the alluring Sally, who loves him, hates his work. The Buckley wit, ingenuity, dramatic narrative, and verbal skills show why, in his class, he's first.
This is #3 in a Blackford Oakes Mystery.